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Temperance movement

Temperance was one of the most divisive social issues in late-19th and early-20th century New Zealand. Social reformers who argued that alcohol fuelled poverty, ill health, crime and immorality nearly achieved national prohibition in a series of hotly contested referendums. Read the full article

Page 1 - Temperance movement

Temperance was one of the most divisive social issues in late-19th and early-20th century New Zealand. Social reformers who argued that alcohol fuelled poverty, ill health, crime

Page 2 - Beginnings

Dawn of the New Zealand temperance movement,

Page 3 - The no-license era

The 'three-fifths majority' was a major hurdle for the temperance community, but they soon mobilised to campaign for people to vote for

Page 4 - Voting for prohibition

The First World War period brought total or partial prohibition to several countries: New Zealand came within a whisker of joining

Page 5 - The decline of prohibition

Alcohol remained an important issue after the war, and the prohibitionists slogged it out with the liquor trade throughout the 1920s.

Page 6 - Masterton under no-license

The November 1908 licensing poll saw Masterton electorate introduce ‘no-license' and vote itself ‘dry’. Its 15 pubs closed on 1 July 1909, and remained closed until the town voted

Page 7 - Further information