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Uses for shipping containers in Christchurch


Christchurch cotnatiners Christchurch cotnatiners Christchurch cotnatiners Christchurch cotnatiners Christchurch cotnatiners Christchurch cotnatiners Christchurch cotnatiners

After the Christchurch earthquake of 22 February 2011, the authorities found a wide range of uses for shipping containers: as barriers to protect houses, vehicles and pedestrians from falling rocks and debris; as supports for badly damaged buildings; as shelter spaces for workers in the CBD; as support structures for temporary sheds.

Have you got images that show other ways containers have been used in Christchurch? Please email us at [email protected] if you can help.

See also: 'Christchurch quake causes container drought' and 'Christchurch shipping containers' (NZ Herald); 'Better latte than never' - coffee shop in a container (Stuff); CTV item about Sumner containers (YouTube); Christchurch quake: diary from Sumner (BBC)

Cashel Mall

A high-profile adaption of shipping containers in Christchurch was their use in the rebuilding of Cashel Mall. Read more about this here (Stuff).


Main image: Ross Becker - the remains of the McKenzie-Willis store in High Street. See more images from Ross Becker (Picasa)

Other images (l to r): Jamie Mackay, Imelda Bargas (x2); Kate Pischief (x2); Pie4Dan (Flickr); Sam Langley

YouTube video: CERA

How to cite this page

Uses for shipping containers in Christchurch, URL:, (Manatū Taonga — Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated